måndag 10 januari 2011

Till alla män som bryr sig!

Här kommer en liten uppmuntran till er pojkar, killar, män, gubbar ja, alla som tillhör det manliga könet. På bilden nedanför ser du en care-square gjord av min pappa.

Han är eller har åtminstone inte varit den mest händiga här på jorden. När han gifte sig gav hans vänner honom en omsydd handske. Tummen satt nämligen mitt i handen. Men för att stödja I Care och hjälpa de hemlösa,lärde han sig i lördags att kroka. Resultatet ser du på bilden, inte dåligt, eller hur?! Med denna korta berättelse vill jag precentera en utmaning till alla ni män som bry er men inte vågar lägga ner den manliga stoltheten och tillverka en care-square.
Det är manligt att bry sig! Så gå och gör en care-square!

And now lets try translating this into English..
Here is a story to encourage you boys, guys, men and blokes, well all of you who belongs to the male sex. On the photo above is a care-square made by my father.
Hi is or at least hasn't been the most handy man on earth. When he got married, his friends gave him a gift. It was a glove, but not any glove, it was remade. They had removed the thumb and attached it in the middle of the hand. (By doing that they refer to the saying we have in Sweden that goes like this- He has his thumb in the middle of his hand. By saying this you mean this person is clumsy and not very handy)
But even tough father isn't the most talented in the subject, he learned hove to create a care-square. For the sake of the homeless he, against all odds, made a care-square. By telling this story I want to announce a challenge to all of you men who cares but don't have the courage to let go of your manly proud and contribute to the making of care-squares. I is manly to care! So go and create a care-square!


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